Cambridge IELTS 14 General Test 1 Task 2 Essay Sample Answers

Cambridge IELTS 14 General Test 1 Task 2 Essay Sample Answers

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Online shopping has certainly led to a shift in the consumer buying behavior. But the day online shopping will completely hijack the traditional shopping experience is far off. Hence, this essay will disagree that the increase in online shopping will lead to the shutting of all shops in towns and cities and discuss two reasons for it.

Inadvertently, a lot of people nowadays prefer purchasing through the various shopping apps that are available. However, there are still some who prefer to buy things the traditional way, that is, through the neighborhood stores. Buying through online websites does not entail the personal interaction and experience that the physical stores offer. Many of these shop owners have painstakingly cultivated a relationship with their customers, this warmth is essentially missing from the online shopping exercise. For example, the mom and pop shop owners are familiar with the neighborhood.

Secondly, a section of consumers want to have a tactile observation of the products before making a buying decision. When purchasing in a small shop, the person makes an informed decision after thoroughly examining the item. This gives an assurance to the buyer that he is paying for what he has bought and he will not get cheated which usually happens in the case of online shopping. For example, online shopping is famous for duping by selling fake products or their products do not match the description in 30% of the cases, confirms a survey done by Harvard Business Review magazine.

To conclude, even though online shopping has grown and will continue to grow, there is enough scope and demand for the shops in the small towns and cities to grow and prosper. This essay discussed that one on one interaction and reliable buying experience are the major reasons due to which offline shops will continue to thrive.

Nowaday millions of online shops are doing business and develope rapidly. The majority of traditional shops concern if they will bankrupt soon due to the fast growing online shopping.However some people argue that a great deal of shops can still survive.

Firstly, the online shops always offer a very competitive price in order to obtain more and more consumers. They can always provide attractive promotion and sell the products in bottom price because they do not have to pay the extra rental for the physical shops. For example, in my own country the daily turn over of Tao Bao on line shop is about 10 million, which is an astonishing amount.

Secondly the people are keen on shopping on internet because it can save time. Especially the young generation are likely to browse the website of the shops at home in a comfortable atmosphere. They may flexibly select the goods that they like without the persuading from the shopstaff. They can also compare the prices between various shops due to price-checking system.

However, some people said the traditional shops would still have their opportunities to retain their business. They suggest the owners of the chain stores or department stores can build up the online shops as well so as to maintain a stable business. Actually, there a lot of shops that have built up their online shops, such as the renowned sport shop Nike. All the shops should look for a correct manner to increase their business.

All in all, it is difficult to say that what is the advantage or disadvantage for online shopping. In my opinion, the owners of business should attain to check the trend of the business and quote a best price for keeping the purchasers.


Owing to the increasing trend of shopping online, it is argued by some that thiss will eventually result in stores in major cities and suburbs shutting down. In my opinion, I agree that online shopping will one day lead to the closing down of shops because of the convenience of buying from them and also the variety of options it provides.

Firstly, the main reason why online shopping is taking the forefront over purchasing from local stores is because it is more convenient. To put in another way, buying items off the internet is something that can be done easily without stress as one can purchase goods at the touch of a button without stepping outside their doors. Furthermore, it is time saving as periods that could have been spent moving from store to store in search of a particular item would be diverted into doing something more productive. For example, online stores like amazon, kindle have not only made shopping more fun, but also without stress.

Another point to consider is that online stores offer a variety of items to their customers. That is, there are loads of options to select from without needing to move from shop to shop in search of a particular item as would have been the case in smaller shops because they may not offer everything the client could need at that point in time. I remember having to visit not less than five stores in search of a blue shoe I needed in 2015 but ever since I became aware of online shopping I do not need to enter any shop in order to get items of my choice.

To conclude, as a result, of the convenience and time saving effects derived from shopping through the internet, one can say without a doubt that shops will close down real soon.

Advancement in technology opened doors to various methods of shopping. Shopping online has become one of the primary methods of purchasing goods and services. I totally disagree, with the author’s point of view. Buying goods can only take up a few percentages of regular shopping methods, but will not lead to shutting down majority of shops in cities and towns.

Raise in access to technology, has given consumers a chance to explore different shopping methods. Shopping online thought popular e-commerce websites became a trend among today’s younger generation. Moreover, it has given consumers the benefit to search and purchase products easily. However, this style of shopping has taken away the traditional look and feel for the product consumers used to experience before purchasing it. For instance, the survey conducted by a retail store shows that consumers prefer to demo products like home appliances, perfumes, and other expensive goods before consuming.

Easiest way of owning the product is to go to the nearest local store and purchasing. Online shopping made product delivery comfortable to your door steps, but the price for delivering, damage and return policies need to be paid by the consumer. On the other hand, shopping at the nearest store will overcome any such problem associated, giving consumer more flexibility to return the product in short span of time and owning a new one. Furthermore, online e-commerce giants are coming up with more and more e-shops in towns and cities to overcome this barrier.

In conclusion, online shopping has given the opportunity of finding products and owing them at user’s comfort level. Replacing, the idea of the way user looks and feel for the productt cannot go away, on top of that the barrier associated with delivery and other policies of online shopping makes it hard for the closing of all shops in town and cities.

It is an irrefutable fact that shopping online has become increasingly popular these days. In this regard, there is a possibility that online shopping would lead to the closure of brick and mortar stores in cities and towns in the future. This essay will discuss the possibility of this happening.

To begin with, the vital reason for the closure of physical stores in future is that consumers are quite satisfied with the unique shopping experience provided by online sites. This is because they have wide varieties of shopping options to choose from coupled with fast and reliable delivery channels which makes most of the customers prefer e-commerce sites over traditional stores. For instance, recently, in Bengaluru many renowned stores had to shut down because of the change in shopping preferences of customers. Consequently, given the fact that e-commerce companies have entered into almost every sector, there is a high possibility that retail stores will eventually perish.

Another compelling reason that the e-commerce giants will succeed over retail shops is that they have larger capital base and lower overhead cost. These companies have enormous net worth to afford substantial marketing cost to penetrate the market despite the competition from the stores. For example, Amazon has launched plethora of drones for initiating faster delivery which would decrease the manpower cost dramatically. As a result, although these companies incur huge capital expenditure, the income generated over a period of time is multifold which makes them market leaders and thus lead to the elimination of the traditional stores.

In conclusion, it can be anticipated that e-commerce companies will acquire the entire market share in the future because they provide exceptional client service and are efficiently able to reduce the overhead expenditure.

Over the past few decades, technology has a huge impact on everyday life, especially the way people shop. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, some people believe that the shops will run out of business because of this trend. However, I completely disagree and think that physical stores will always have a place in every city and this essay will elaborate the reasons supporting this view.

First of all, the foremost reason is that some people, especially women, have an obsession with the shopping. In other words, such people only want to go out in shopping malls for the sake of window shopping in order to satisfy themselves. This is not possible when buying stuff online through the internet. For instance, a recent study results published by the students of the Oxford university states that more than 70% of the female university students revealed to have spent more time in the big malls rather than focusing on studying.

Another vital point to consider is the lack of trust that people have on the online stores. Even though these stores provide a variety of products, still people are skeptical of the quality provided by them. As a result, they like to visit the traditional brick and mortar stores where they can check the standards on the spot without having to worry about contacting the customer support in case of any issue. A survey result revealed by the Times magazine in 2018 confirms this opinion as well where almost 60% participants reported their bad experiences of e-shopping.

To conclude, although online shopping has become very popular these days, retail stores will not be much affected by it. I opine that these stores are not threatened by the internet shopping as people will always prefer these stores.

The blooming of the e-commerce industry makes online shopping popular among city dwellers. Some people raised the concern that traditional malls will eventually be replaced by the swelling of online stores. In my opinion, I completely disagree with that statement.

To begin with, physical stores are more reliable compared to online stores. People who shop in the malls can check and confirm the quality of the physical items; however, only pictures are displayed by online vendors, which could not be seen as credible sources of information. For example, some of my friends bought refurbished electronic products from Amazon without being informed by merchants. This totally wasted their energy and time to return their items and follow up with the status of the refund. These unpleasant shopping experiences can remind them of the good experiences of shopping in malls.

What is more, physical stores could provide people with sufficient space and activities to socialise with each other. For instance, contemporary shopping malls in Canada are usually integrated with food centers, kid’s entertainment parks, and cinemas. These facilities can offer people with a variety of alternatives to entertaining themselves indoors. Businessmen can easily have a break with each other in the mall and parents can exchange their parenting skills while their children are having fun in the malls. With so many benefits, I doubt that people would abandon their traditional way of shopping.

In conclusion, I fully disagree that shopping malls could be diminished in the future due to the nature of the shopping malls as they offer people more reliable products in terms of quality and various entertainment choices.

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